Remote studio for the World Circular Economy Forum 2022


Kemi Circular Economy Centre

Background information on the event

The client was Kemi Kircotalouskeskus and Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu / Sitra.

The World Circular Economy Forum is an internationally significant annual event focusing on the circular economy, bringing together business leaders, policy makers and experts to present the world’s best circular economy solutions. In addition to the live event, the event’s agenda will feature Accelerator Sessions streamed from remote studios around the world, focusing on specific topics.

In 2022, the event is co-organised by the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA), the Republic of Rwanda, the African Circular Economy Network (ACEN) and Sitra, together with its international partners.

Production baseline

Our client was responsible for the production of an Accelerator Session for the international World Circular Economy Forum 2022 programme, a live webcast from Digipoliks in Kemi. The broadcast would include numerous international remote connections, studio segments, videos and interactions with those following the broadcast. The client should be able to trust that the production will actually be delivered with a considered and confident approach.

Our solution

Preparations for the production began with a survey of the space and the client’s detailed requirements. Our art director drew up a written concept for the lighting and camera set-up while our technical producer prepared the plan for broadcast, remote and audio. The studio was set up in the space the day before the event, when the equipment and connections were also tested for functionality. On the day of the broadcast, two walk-through exercises were organised.

Film cameras, wireless microphones, aurora borealis themed mood lighting and remote access technology were used in the production. The main transmission was backed up by a second transmission over a backup link.